Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good morning... :-)

I was at work, and had to answer Nature's call... so i paid a short visit to the rest-room. After relieving myself, I went to the basin to wash my hands and there was this house-keeping lady cleaning the area. She turned around - a white mask covered face(the "pig fever" scare - it is mandatory for all the odd jobs workers to wear masks)- the only visible feature were here bright, happy eyes - and through the mask she said "Good morning Madam", and I could see her eyes smiling. I wished her too... wondering how one could enjoy one's work so much, even if it was cleaning the mess that others make! I complain about the "white-collar" job I have - sitting at my comp in the A/C office with headphones feeding music into my ears constantly. And here is this dear lady, happy to be employed, singing to make light the work at hand. I am happy to be employed too... but I forget that sometimes!

She wished others who entered the area as well... but then, some are too busy to notice. Like a horse whose eyes are covered so it can focus only on the road ahead... the beauty of the little flowers and grass along the edges are missed.

I made small talk with her... asked her about the discomfort the mask must be causing. She said it was suffocating and uneasy to have it on all the time... but it is the safe thing to do, cause of the spreading virus...

I returned to my seat, promising to myself that I will make a conscious effort not to crib about work and enjoy it while it lasts. After all, it feeds me, keeps me occupied through day, and more than anything else, it gives me time to blog :-)


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