Thursday, March 27, 2008


It happened again today. He stood waiting for her to turn around and smile. She just walked on... looking into the blue skies with small white clouds floating past.

She was the first person he had seen who walked this way. Like there was no yesterday. Like there will be no tomorrow. To her, there was only today - today with clouds kissing the blue sky , with the dancing sunflowers reaching out to the smiling sun, the thirsty waves that reached for the shores... Her world seemed "stand alone".

Had she always been like this? He wondered. He had known her for a couple of years now. He had managed to meet her "accidentally" loads of times, before he thought she could call him her friend. Once the "friendship" was established,he could meet her more freely. But had she seen through what he had done? Did she like him?

He was sure that she did not care to name their relationship. She wouldn't have cared for the chance meetings. It was more to boost his confidence that he created those opportunities. He let himself go back in time...

She walked past the gates of the house not caring to close it behind her. She stopped to pat Toto when he came wagging his tail to welcome her into the house. She spoke to the rose buds in the garden and then walked through the door.

He stood looking on. Waiting for her to turn around and smile at him.

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