Tuesday, March 18, 2008


There are these times... when there is an idea that implants itself in my mind. Then, there are words that flow... almost uncontrollably... as if a dam has been opened and the pressure just released to translate into a forceful flow of emotions... as if the earth has just given way to the molten rock-the eruption of the volcano that can only cool off by burning everything it touches...

There is never a time when I am able to capture these outbursts... so I just let it happen - let the words come, become sentences, become feelings... become an outlet to everything while remaining inside... and then it disappears. Feels like the force of the water dwindles into a gentle river as it flows, like the volcano cools off to stand like a mountain that never knew fury...

I think of the whirlpool - it looks like a gentle spiralling of water at the surface... but the forces at the depth remain unknown... my words seem to flow, into the spiralling waters all the time...
But I am sure, one day the whirlpool will be beaten and the flow shall never be disrupted...

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